uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Forms, Controls, Classes, Graphics;
function CaptureScreenRect( ARect: TRect ): TBitmap; var ScreenDC: HDC; begin Result := TBitmap.Create; with Result, ARect do begin Width := Right - Left; Height := Bottom - Top; ScreenDC := GetDC( 0 ); try BitBlt( Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, ScreenDC, Left, Top, SRCCOPY ); finally ReleaseDC( 0, ScreenDC ); end; end; end; 思路是这样的 parameter 是一个 TRect, 也就是一个 4 方形,你可以设定,是这样的 TRect defines a rectangle. Unit Types Delphi syntax: type TRect = packed record case Integer of 0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer); 1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TPoint); end; 返回一个 Bitmap 也就是图像拉 创建一个新的 bitmap instance HDC 是一个 device context (DC),也就可以利用 BitBlt 把windows 图像转到 bitmap 里了。 完整代码在这里,朋友可以直接调用 unit ScrnCap; interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Forms, Controls, Classes, Graphics; function CaptureScreenRect( ARect: TRect ): TBitmap; function CaptureScreen: TBitmap; function CaptureClientImage( Control: TControl ): TBitmap; function CaptureControlImage( Control: TControl ): TBitmap; function CaptureWindowImage( Wnd: HWND ): TBitmap; implementation {==============================================================================} { Use this to capture a rectangle on the screen... } function CaptureScreenRect( ARect: TRect ): TBitmap; {==============================================================================} var ScreenDC: HDC; begin Result := TBitmap.Create; with Result, ARect do begin Width := Right - Left; Height := Bottom - Top; ScreenDC := GetDC( 0 ); try BitBlt( Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, ScreenDC, Left, Top, SRCCOPY ); finally ReleaseDC( 0, ScreenDC ); end; end; end; {==============================================================================} { Use this to capture the entire screen... } function CaptureScreen: TBitmap; {==============================================================================} begin with Screen do Result := CaptureScreenRect( Rect( 0, 0, Width, Height )); end; {==============================================================================} { Use this to capture just the client area of a form or control... } function CaptureClientImage( Control: TControl ): TBitmap; {==============================================================================} begin with Control, Control.ClientOrigin do Result := CaptureScreenRect( Bounds( X, Y, ClientWidth, ClientHeight )); end; {==============================================================================} { Use this to capture an entire form or control... } function CaptureControlImage( Control: TControl ): TBitmap; {==============================================================================} begin with Control do if Parent = nil then Result := CaptureScreenRect( Bounds( Left, Top, Width, Height )) else with Parent.ClientToScreen( Point( Left, Top )) do Result := CaptureScreenRect( Bounds( X, Y, Width, Height )); end; {==============================================================================} { Use this to capture an entire form or control paased as an API hWnd... } function CaptureWindowImage( Wnd: HWND ): TBitmap; {==============================================================================} var R: TRect; begin GetWindowRect(Wnd, R); Result := CaptureScreenRect(R); end; end.